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Testimonial from Pam G.
Pam talks about why she loves her PlexiDor dog door and shows us how her dogs go in and out of the dog door.
I highly recommend this dog door. We’ve had it since 2016. It is fabulous. The dogs go in and out. At least I would say, oh, I don’t know, 30 times a day, maybe running in an out to bark and play, go to the restroom.
Gary's PlexiDor Tesimonial
Gary from Arlington has two PlexiDor Dog Doors and “loves them dearly”. He shares they are “great, great doors”.
Jim's PlexiDor Testimonial
During the remodel of their house they installed a PlexiDor Dog Door. Jim tells us why his PlexiDor is great.
Trevor's PlexiDor Testimonial
Trevor says, “best dog door ever. We love it”
10 Year Old PlexiDor
Giraudon loves his door; it was the best thing he ever put into his house!
Look at 23 year old PlexiDor
What an amazing product, we are looking at a PlexiDor that is 23 years old!!
Testimonial PlexiDor Dec 2020 scotsman XL dogs 20 years
We love our XL PlexiDor dog door!