PlexiDors Product

HURCAN Wall Series

HURCAN Wall Series

The HURCAN series has a 10 year limited warranty. Includes custom fit storm shutter and installation hardware. For masonry or stud exterior walls, only comes in white.

HURCAN Wall Series Information



Approved for Coastal Storm and High Wind Regions

PlexiDor Dog Doors Florida Product Approval #FL41814PlexiDor HURCAN Wall Series

The PlexiDor® HURCAN Series is the only NAMI certified dog door designed for the coastal areas from Maine to Florida to Texas (except HVHZ). The PlexiDor team manufactures in Florida – we know storms firsthand. A standard PlexiDor passes testing for non-coastal areas right out of the box. The new HURCAN Series with our unique integral shutter system, passes the stringent impact testing required to achieve certification. Simply apply the shutters for the most protection during severe storm conditions.

Available Sizes: Medium – 40lbs | Large – 100lbs | XLarge – 220lbs

Protect Your Family, Your Dogs, and Your Home

If you live in an area highlighted in green or blue on the map below, you need a PlexiDor HURCAN Series dog door to meet state building code. If you live in an area shown in white or red/blue stripe on the map below, you can use the standard PlexiDor dog doors shown in the front of this catalog.

Map of Hurricane Prone and High Velocity Wind Regions of the United States Map of Florida Impact and Non Impact RegionsThe map shows Wind-Borne Debris Regions in blue and green. These are the areas that require the PlexiDor HURCAN Series dog door to meet state building code.

The design pressure ratings of specific PlexiDor models can be found at – FL41814. Usage limitations and installation instructions are also listed.

The HURCAN Series is not approved for the High Velocity Hurricane Zones of Miami-Dade and Broward counties in Florida. Please call our office with questions regarding current impact rating and approval: 800-749-9609.

Questions regarding shipping are specified in the PlexiDor Shipping Policy


PlexiDor Pass Florida Hurricane Impact Test 2022

Short video of a 2X4 being hurled at 50 mph toward a PlexiDor HURCAN Series hurricane dog door to pass the Florida Hurricane Impact Test in 2022. This is referred to as the missile test. Be prepared, It's a little intense.

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Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency door 1 Installing a PlexiDor keeps the heating and cooling inside your home!
Opens fast, closes tight!
Energy Efficiency door 2
Energy Efficiency door
Opening a Standard sized household door allows energy to escape
Energy Efficiency door

Installing a PlexiDor Performance Pet Door into your home could save you as much as 10% off your energy bill.

Each time you open the door to let your dog out, your
HEATING and COOLING escapes.



Review the chart below to determine your estimated annual savings.

Your Average Monthly Energy Bill: Annual Amount Spent 5 Year Total 5% Savings 7% Savings 10% Savings
$100 $1,200 $6,000 $300 $400 $600
$150 $1,800 $9,000 $450 $630 $900
$200 $2,400 $12,000 $600 $840 $1,200



Saving 10% per month could save you $900 in just 5 years.




Above estimates are based on average seasonal temperatures and household temperature settings. Results are typical of PlexiDor owners and are based on more than 25 years of customer feedback. Individual results may vary based on household insulation, age and size of home.


Installing your PlexiDor Pet Door at the correct installation height will ensure the door is comfortable for your pet to use. Stepping up and through the door is best.
Bottom edge of frame profile_sm profile_m profile_l profile_xl
to floor
Extra large
These measurements are a guide only, make sure the pet door is installed so that the opening is at least 2″ above the pet’s back. There is only one size for electronic doors, you will need to estimate based on pet size.

Full Measurements

IMPORTANT: Install the dog door so that the finished dog opening height is approximately two inches (2”) taller than the dog’s back.
Install door at the correct installation height for your pet's breed

PlexiDor Installation Articles & Videos

Check out the Learning Center Installation Page for more.


Suzanne & Cinnamon: Installation

Installing dog door in wall


Can I install a pet door through a wall?


PlexiDor as Installed on This Old House

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Safety for you and your pet is our highest priority. Each door comes with a lock and key and a steel plate that can be easily attached on for extra security.

Lock and Key
All models come with a lock and two keys for everyday use. Just turn the key to lock out unwanted guests. Heavy duty steel lock visible only from the inside resists tampering. The small size door has a four-way lock that can be set to open, locked, open for entry, and open for exit.

Steel Security Plate
Medium, Large, and Extra Large size PlexiDor dog doors include a steel security plate that screws on easily when you leave for an extended period of time. To use the security plate daily, install the optional PlexiDor Sliding Track – so the door can be conveniently dropped into place and closed with a flip lock in seconds. Small size doors are too small for an intruder to enter and do not come with the steel security door.

Size Chart

Refer to the PlexiDor Size Chart shown below to determine the size pet door you require. Once you know the correct size for your pet, be sure to review the installation information. If you have any questions please call 1-800-749-9609 FREE for assistance.
Need a printout?

To view the complete chart, please access this page with a larger device or download the PDF.

Size Chart Header
PlexiDor Size
Pet Weight
Breed Size Example
Type of Installation
Opening for Pet
Installation Cut Hole
Overall Dimensions ‡
Up to 40 lbs
Cats, Poodles, Corgis, Dachshunds, Beagles, Pekingese, Shelties, Schnauzers, Cocker Spaniels and most Terriers
Door Series Wall Series
9" x12"
11 1/2" x 13 5/8" (Door Series) 12 1/8" x 15"† (Wall Series)
13 1/4" x 15 3/16" (Door Series) 14 3/8" x 17 5/16" (Wall Series)
Up to 100 lbs
Labradors, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Boxers, Collies, Setters, Bulldogs, Pointers and Dobermans
Door Series Wall Series
11 3/4" x 16"
14 1/4" x 17 7/8" (Door Series) 14 1/2" x 18 5/8" (Wall Series)
16 1/2" x 19 3/16" (Door Series) 16 7/16" x 20 1/2" (Wall Series)
Up to 150 lbs
Standard Poodle, Bernese Mountain Dog, Leonberger, Cane Corso, Akita, Black Russian Terrier, Beauceron
Door Series Wall Series
13 3/8" x 22 3/8"
16 1/8" x 24 1/8" (Door Series) 16 1/2" x 25"† (Wall Series)
18 1/8" x 25 3/8" (Door Series) 18 7/8" x 27 5/16" (Wall Series)
Extra LargeXL
Up to 220 lbs
Great Danes, St. Bernards, Rottweiler, Old English Sheepdogs, Newfoundlands, Irish Wolfhounds and Great Pyrenees
Door Series Wall Series
15 3/4" x 23 5/8"
18 1/8" x 25 3/8" (Door Series) 18 3/4" x 26 1/2"† (Wall Series)
20 3/8" x 26 3/4" (Door Series) " x 28 13/16" (Wall Series)
Up to 125 lbs
Large breed examples as listed including Malamutes, Weimaraners, Rhodesian Ridgebacks and all Cats
Door Series Wall Series
12 5/8" x 19 5/8"
14 3/8" x 21 5/8" (Door Series) 14 1/2" x 23 1/2"† (Wall Series)
17 1/8" x 54 5/8" (Door Series) 17 3/8" x 54 5/8" (Wall Series)
† Note: There are two dimensions for the Wall Series cut hole, interior and exterior. Read the installation instructions carefully before cutting. ‡ Dimensions listed in chart are Width by Height.